Selena Gomez: “Coconut gel to keep my curls at bay”
(ANSA) – Smooth, left loose or very often gathered, Selena Gomez’s hair is, as always when it comes to teen stars, very copied. The girls with plate blows try to have them like her. Carlo Tessier, one of the most famous hair stylists, close to the world of cinema, was next to her, as a personal hairdresser during his Italian holidays at Ischia Global.
Tessier, son of art (his grandfather did his same job), is the co-founder of two important salons of Rome, in Piazza di Spagna (Rampa Mignanelli) considered by Vogue one of the 10 most beautiful salons in the world, while the first, since 1983, it is close to the historic film studios of Cinecittà.
” The truth – he says to ANSA Tessier who is internationally considered among the celebrity hair stylists – is that Selena has very rich hair, since the hairline and has different extensions. She has aimed her look on the contrary on the smooth and so that’s what she asks. I used for her the small brush with bristles and the hair dryer to stretch her hair from the temples, then using larger brushes for the lengths. But the secret after this ironing and straightening plate was a coconut fixative gel that does not leave any residue and does not weigh down but which I use to keep this type of curly hairstyles pressed all day long ”. Selena Gomez, just turned 22, Texan with paternal Mexican blood, is among the most popular actress-singers of the boys. Launched by the Disney series The magicians of Waverly was engaged to the pop star Justin Bieber with which, we read on social gossip, has no more contact after yet another intemperance of him (last in chronological order in Ibiza, the fistfight with Orlando Bloom)